10 Early Viral Video Games You Forgot Were Everywhere

8. Temple Run

Doodle Jump
Imangi Studios

A true classic mobile game. So great it spawned an endless queue of similar clones and began a genre mobile games defined as 'endless runner'. While Temple Run may be the most simple of the endless runner genre, it deserves all the credit for being the first. Another 2011 release, Temple Run actually didn't see too many ports to other mobile devices despite being hugely popular.

The game is probably the most bare bones game to appear on the list so far, consisting of nothing more than an endless jungle path, the player themselves and a horde of angry monkeys who were chasing the player. When you consider how little the game really had to it, you'd be surprised to learn that Temple Run almost got a film adaptation!

That's right, Warner Bros. actually contacted the developers about a potential Temple Run film. Considering the current track record of video game adaptations, it's probably safe to assume that a Temple Run film would be a pretty bad idea.

Then again, they did make a film of another game on this list that did okay...

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Doodle Jump
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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.