10 Early Viral Video Games You Forgot Were Everywhere

7. Plants vs. Zombies

Doodle Jump
Popcap Games

Plants vs. Zombies first debuted in 2009 but saw a new release in the franchise just last year. The game takes the incredibly popular genre of tower defence and sets it all within someone's back garden. While it may not sound like the greatest set up for a tower defence, using an array of different plants to fend off hordes of zombies clearly struck a chord with enough people to see the game soar in popularity.

The game was so successful that a range of merchandise was made and can be found in supermarkets and game shops, and the game is even referenced in World of Warcraft. The game now even has mainline console entries as well as continuous phone spin-offs.

It may not be quiet as iconic as some of the later entries on this list, but Plants vs. Zombies just seems to keep popping up everywhere and you almost can't avoid it. And that's normally the sign of a pretty good mobile game.

Billie Eilish's 'Bad Guy' actually has a riff based off of the main theme of the series. There's a fun fact for you.

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Media Production graduate from the University of Lincoln. Still not over the fact The Walking Dead, Dexter and Game of Thrones all lost their way.