This is the worst of it. Nintendo President Satoshi Iwata seemingly admitted defeat by recently declaring that "the company appears to have failed to differentiate the Wii U from the Wii", and had the humility to admit that even his own 10-year-old son had shown little-to-no interest in the Wii U. It's refreshing in a sense to not see a gaming company repeatedly defend their ailing product against the tide of reality, though at the same time it's pretty depressing for big Nintendo fans and owners of the console, who will no doubt be hoping that Iwata comes flying out of 2014 with a plan to turn things around. Though Nintendo will be hopeful that some first-party titles will help turn things around in the next 12 months, this really feels like an admission of defeat, or more to the point, a throwing up of their hands and saying "We'll take third place". This isn't to say that third-place is a terrible way to end up in the console war (Microsoft and Sony both ultimately thrived as they fought for second place last-gen), but that with the Wii U's stagnating sales, it will be very unlikely to see anything more than a few sales spikes when a new heralded title arrives here and there. Regardless of what one thinks of the console itself, competition is a good thing, and so it's fingers crossed for Nintendo all the way. What do you foresee for the Wii U? Let me know in the comments!
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.