10 Essential DLC Packs That Complete Your Favourite Video Games

8. Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto

Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto
Square Enix

Despite a rocky start with Final Fantasy XV: Episode Gladiolus, Episode Prompto turned out to be a fantastic addition to the world of Final Fantasy XV.

Whereas Episode Gladiolus failed to add much to the overall story of Final Fantasy XV, Episode Prompto told us a lot more about the history of Niflheim and where Prompto came from. The advance in the story really is one of the highlights of the DLC pack, expanding upon who Prompto is and his connections to the world around him.

It helps that the gameplay of Episode Prompto is also one of the biggest selling points. Because of his focus on firearms, Prompto doesn't play at all like Noctis which makes playing as him especially interesting.

The ability to explore the environment in a snowmobile is also pretty unique to the game as a whole, as well as adding a lot of replay value on later playthroughs. The experience feels arguably more complete than the original Final Fantasy XV, as it feels like no corners were cut in the process of making it.

Here's hoping that Episode Ignis can manage to live up to Episode Prompto.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.