10 Essential Video Game DLC Packs

8. Borderlands 2 - Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep

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2K Games

Swapping the sci-fi setting for high-fantasy, Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep sees players thrust into a game of Bunkers and Badasses, the Borderlands equivalent to Dungeons and Dragons. The DLC borrows the same formula from the base game, however here you will be filling sorcerers and skeletons full of lead as opposed to robots and raiders.

It’s amazing what a fresh new setting and some shiny new weapons can do for a game, as Assault on Dragon Keep breathed fresh new life into a formula that relied so heavily on the kill, loot, repeat formula.

Serving as something of a spinoff to the original Borderlands series, it changed enough while maintaining trademark humour and gunplay that makes fans tick.

Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep was very well received, so much so that it was eventually released as a standalone expansion, no longer requiring the Borderlands 2 base game to be played.

It also inspired a full-fledged Borderlands game of its own with the recent release of Tiny Tina’s Wonderland, which expands on the concept from the DLC to make it a standalone entry in the Borderlands series.

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