10 Evil Video Games That Let You Be A True Tyrant!

9. Lord Of The Rings: Conquest

Dungeon Keeper art

Fans of Lord of the Rings games might just remember the action game Lord of the Rings: Conquest for allowing them to play out iconic battles and siege moments as the likes of Gimli, Gandalf and Aragorn. However, they will recall you can also follow the plot of an alternative narrative to the original, in which Frodo refuses to destroy the ring and becomes corrupted by it.

Rather than play as rank-and-file soldiers and mages of Gondor, Rivendell and Rohan, the "Rise of Sauron" campaign instead allows you to play as one of the four character classes (Scout, Mage, Warrior or Archer) but from the forces of the Dark Lord himself. Now, you can chuck your weight around and smash through human, dwarven and elvish forces as nasty orcs, trolls and even get to briefly embody Sauron himself as he and his forces lay waste to the world.

Conquest is brutal, easy-to-play fun that allows you to live out you darkest desire in the world of Middle Earth. If you're sick and tired of cheerful hobbits, consider giving Lord of the Rings: Conquest a try.


Inevitably talking about Into The Spiderverse. Lover of movies, books and games, not necessarily in that order. @Are_You_Shore I also co-host a podcast now! www.youtube.com/channel/UCKS4_sumDLinlzgdMBAZk7g