10 Exact Moments That Killed Video Game Franchises

8. Master Chief And Spartan Locke Become Friends - Halo 5

Halo 5
343 Industries

Some people would say Halo died when Bungie left the IP, or when Halo 4 essentially retconned Chief's fakeout death by confirming he floated on through space to another planet (something that was hinted at post-credits anyway).

However, I posit to you that Halo 4 was a damn solid shooter and 343 are capable devs - just look at their work remastering the first game in the series.

No, the thing that killed Halo stone dead, was a marketing campaign built on lies.

Centred on Master Chief doing something that had drawn the ire of the UNSC government, he was then to be hunted by Locke; an elite Spartan soldier who also looked to have some personal stake in bringing John back in.

Only... this wasn't remotely the case.

The reality of Halo 5 was Master Chief disobeying an order and choosing to track Cortana alone, to which Locke tussles with him once when trying to stop him, and the pair are friends for the rest of the game.

Nothing even CLOSE to the charged trailers that made it out like this was the thrust of the whole game.

The second we resolved the one scene everyone was looking forward to, any remaining goodwill for the franchise was squandered for good.

Gaming Editor
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