10 EXACT Moments That Made Great Video Games Even Better

9. The Ashtray Maze - Control (2019)

bioshock infinite
505 Games

Over the last few years, Remedy have become known for their imaginative narratives and off-the-wall storytelling. While Quantum Break played with concepts of time travel, family, and player choice to create a visually stunning episodic experience complete with its own TV show, Control elevated the team’s creativity to a whole other level of insanity.

From the moment protagonist Jesse Faden sets foot inside The Oldest House in search of her kidnapped brother, Control is a nonstop delight of weirdness and eccentricity. From being equipped with a shapeshifting weapon and psychic abilities, her boss being talking pyramid in another dimension, and an assortment of peculiar artefacts with strange powers to contend with, there’s never a dull moment to be had.

But Control saves its most Remedy-esque moment until the brilliantly bombastic Ashtray Maze sequence, which is only rivalled by Alan Wake’s famed stage set piece.

Once again featuring music by Poets Of The Fall, this sections sees Jesse traverse an ever-changing labyrinth of impossible corridors as they battle through waves of enemies.

The instant the epic rock tune starts, The Ashtray Maze becomes an exercise in unadulterated style. It’s an absolute blast and one of the many reasons which makes Control a fantastic game.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.