10 Exact Moments Where Video Game Immersion Was Shattered

3. Unpredictable Button Prompts

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If there was one thing that prevented L.A Noire from being the best detective game of all time, it was that, occasionally, the voice prompts you could choose between would be the wildest things on god's green Earth.

Since the developers had to try and explain several lines of dialogue that Cole would say in a word or two, they often very much didn't match what you would say, resulting in you picking an option you would have never chose if you'd fully known about it.

There's no stress quite like picking an option that seems like a reasonable choice, and then seeing your boy Phelps accuse an old lady of being secretly Hitler and then supplex her over her dining room table.

This isn't just true for L.A Noire though, but also many, many other games. Finding yourself accidentally betraying characters you sought to help makes you totally lose your immersion, as the game has taken what you thought you were going to do, and provided you with something totally different.

L.A Noire was a great game, but many likely lost their connection with it the first time Cole Phelps flipped the script on them, and we can't really blame them for that.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.