10 Exceptional First-Person Shooter Games That Defined The Last 10 Years

3. Far Cry 3

Very rarely is a FPS created as an open sandbox: Far Cry 3 is one of those rare exceptions, and its what sets it apart from other FPS. It's a fun, fast paced, action-thriller that leaves you wanting more, even though the game itself is absolutely. Being an open sandbox, the game lets you explore around any way you see fit. It's nice having the freedom to bounce around from one section to the next. As you explore, Far Cry 3 does an outstanding job of fluidly taking you from one situation to another. Taking place on an island, Far Cry 3 is a game about survival, mystery and being a hero. As you set out on your quest, you come across a plethora of interesting characters that help you in your journey to save your friends. Stealth, sniping and careful planning all add a level of excitement that the previous games in the series largey lacked. The story mode is well-fleshed out, and is extremely rewarding. The massive island is surrounded by life that keeps you on the edge of your seat - an exciting aspect that help the world to come alive.

Former member of Jesse and the Rippers. Obsessed with wrestling. I'd only wear sweat pants and jerseys if it were socially acceptable. Beard enthusiast. Lover of sports, gaming, tattoos, writing, music, poker, tv, movies, food, sarcasm, laughing, debating and all things Louis C.K. and Larry David. Also if you have and or ever thought about wearing a visor and or fanny pack, I'm afraid we can't be friends.