10 Exceptional Moments In Otherwise Disappointing Video Games

9. Liberty Prime Reborn, Communism Beware - Fallout 4

fallout 4 liberty prime

Fallout 3 and New Vegas are games that I think are exceptional in their individual styles and merits, and they painted a mighty picture. One that would be tough to follow...

Perhaps that’s why Fallout 4 felt a little bit off. It was still great, but not quite right. Being beaten over the head with all the new crafting and building mechanics kind of took away from the whole 'lone wanderer' aspect. Wandering in a destroyed world, scavenging what you could was all but lost when you had a settlement with a giant glowing sign outside to go home to.

But while playing, it had some great moments. The surprises in the wasteland and the unique dynamic set-pieces that make a Bethesda RPG. And of course… the end of the Brotherhood of Steel. Working through their questline and slowly rebuilding the true hero of Fallout 3, until his bright red eyes came back online.

He’s back… Liberty Prime.

Walking through the destroyed world of the Commonwealth, fighting through institute goons and synths beside the true American weapon was absolutely brilliant. Spouting the anti-communist propaganda with the same metallic tone felt as if the ghost of Ronald Reagan was reincarnated.

Yeah it was a cheap kick in the nostalgias, but I loved it, and you should too.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.