10 Famous Video Game Rivalries With A Clear Winner

7. Silent Hill Vs. Resident Evil

Mortal Kombat STREET fighter

WINNER: Resident Evil

You’d think that this would be an easy choice, but it’s surprisingly more complex.

With Resident Evil releasing two near-masterpieces in just the past two years, and Silent Hill releasing nothing at all, it should be easy to decide who the winner is.

The problem comes with how fantastic Silent Hill 2 is, and how rocky Resident Evil has been up until last year. Silent Hill 2 is arguably one of the greatest horror games of all time, and the first and third titles are also pretty spectacular.

Resident Evil has had a hard time deciding what it actually wants to be, and has had some downright bad games fairly recently.

However, if we’re talking about classic games, then the first three Resident Evil games are also massive hits. Factor in the likes of Resident Evil 4, 7 and the recent remake of 2, and the scales tip a lot more in Resident Evil’s favour.

If only Silent Hills had actually released.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.