10 Fan-Demanded Video Game Sequels That Should NEVER Happen

8. Conker's Bad Fur Day 2

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Conker's Bad Fur Day was a foul-mouthed, anarchistic platformer that released on Nintendo's otherwise family-friendly N64, an adult-orientated entry in a genre that was otherwise so neutered. It stood out (not always for the right reasons, such as its censored console ports), and the nostalgia fans have for this deeply funny game has always spilled over into desire for the sequel that never was.

While there's the argument that a self-referential, crass game wouldn't be anything special in a world where Deadpool reigns supreme at the box-office, the biggest major problem holding back a sequel is that the Rare of today simply isn't the Rare that devised Conker's Bad Fur day in the 90s. Sure, they're still talented, and Sea of Thieves (despite its lack of content at launch) showed that the spark of creativity that launched the company to success is still there, but they're hardly the underdog go-getters they once were.

Consequently, you could probably swap in any of the studio's franchises for Conker and the same issues would still apply. Rare have revisted their back catalogue over the years, but have never continued any of their past properties, and that's probably for the best. Whatever happened to the company after Microsoft bought them took some of the wind out of their sails, and a sequel to Bad Fur Day would no doubt only be yet another example of how that spark is no longer there.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3