10 Fan-Made Video Game Remakes That Were Better Than The Original
5. OpenTTD
Transport Tycoon was something of a cult favourite for gamers when it was released in 1994. The original game trapped you into an addictive cycle that essentially boils down to 'build transport and profit'. But instead of taking advantage of the Transport Tycoon fandom, the developers decided to move onto the far less impressive Railroad and Rollercoaster Tycoon series instead. Undeterred, the fans decided to take matters into their own hands and the great OpenTTD remake was born. The Transport Tycoon fan remake initially began as a simple fan remake that was reverse engineered from the original game. But from there, the fans decided that much more can be done with the game. Since OpenTTD became a thing in 2003, every facet of the game has been rebuilt and improved from the ground up several times. Online multiplayer was added, the graphics have been completely revamped and updated, new sounds and musical themes were added, and the AI has been improved so many times that it is essentially self-aware. But the best thing about this remake is that it can be played across a variety of operating systems instead of just Windows, and anyone from hardcore PC gamers to MacBook snobs can stick their hand into the OpenTTD pie. Despite Transport Tycoon being over twenty years old and the OpenTTD project being over ten years old, fans are still addicted to this simple simulation game, so much so that big annual fan releases and improvements are still happening.
My life story is nothing special. I haven't cured ebola, I'm nowhere near stopping terrorism, and I'm still working on that climate change problem.
Instead, all I've done so far is put a few hundred words together in an attempt to make people laugh.
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