10 Fantastic Video Games You’ll Never Play Because They’re Too Hard

7. Mega Man

Have you ever had one of those moments where you realise there's a certain gap in your gaming knowledge - perhaps you just straight-up don't know what something like Half-Life or Metal Gear plays like? It's a notion gamers will rarely own up to, instead blagging their way through a conversation and digging out said experience through an emulator or whatever means later on, ready for the next time it crops up. However, Mega Man is such a game that everyone's at least heard of, yet the unrepentant nature of its side-scrolling gameplay just gives way to having your time wasted through endless restarts and horrendous (by today's standards) checkpointing. Fans have since done the classic "Well it's not THAT hard if you know what you're doing" bull-hooey, giving way to pretty much any of these games being either the easiest or hardest depending on how much you really master the controls, animations, levels etc. Consider this entry emblematic of the entire franchise then, but specifically the first three remain voluntary digital torture devices to this day, so fill that gaming knowledge gap in at your own peril.
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