When you start up a mission, they tend to be made up of very similar beginnings, middles, and ends. You take a long drive over to the waypoint with your Sparrow, kill some enemies at the start point, go deeper into mission area, kill some more enemies, then enter horde mode as Ghost scans a beacon or some artefact. There are also the end areas where you end up in a no-respawn zone, which then proceeds to be a more challenging horde mode. With the exception of particular strikes, this formula is repeated far too often. In this unique and interesting world, why would you force these basic, generic-feeling missions into every part of the main campaign? These missions end up feeling very similar to one another, and appearing to have only small variations of killing enemies spawning in waves until the waves stop. The campaign missions need to be more like the strikes that offer at least some variation. They also utilise different locations that aren't used over and over again, unlike the main missions that reuse the same sections of each planet. Main missions can't be so similar that they blend together, and this is where the game's repetitive nature comes into play, as no, just because it's got MMO aspects, that doesn't mean it's SUPPOSED to be repetitive. Not every mission needs to feel like a wholly original creation, but they need to be better differentiated across the board.