10 Features & Video Games That Could Have Saved The Wii U

8. An Online Service That Thought Of Catering To Over-16s


Nintendo has always stood firmly by its limited online feature set when compared to its competitors. Limited by fiddly friend codes and a lack of voice chat across key online titles, the DS and Wii started a fairly steady trend whereby getting online matches sorted with friends was often more hassle than it was worth.

If Nintendo had sorted out some kind of age verification system that unlocked greater features for older teens, it might have worked out for the Wii U. Party play, party chat and full, unrestricted voice chat could have made Nintendo's online offering far more compelling and helped with the uptake of titles like Call of Duty and FIFA.

As it stood, the online service just wasn't the same in quality as Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 and the Wii U suffered as a result. Thankfully there are changes afoot with the Switch online service but most fans have accepted Nintendo will never offer the same online service Sony and Microsoft do.

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Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.