10 Features & Video Games That Could Have Saved The Wii U

7. A Full Virtual Console Offering With FREE Transfers From Wii


The Virtual Console on Wii U was good, there's no doubt about that. Off-TV Play was great for stretching out on the sofa with a retro classic. But the games on offer were not as broad as the Wii - which enjoyed an extensive SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis library, plus other great curios from the past including the Commodore 64, Neo-Geo and dedicated arcade games.

For those who had already spent a few thousand Wii Points on the older system, the transfer to Wii U was cumbersome and slightly punishing.

For one, you had to retain Wii Remotes to access the Wii menu inside the Wii U. Then you could only use the Wii Remote or classic controller for those Wii VC titles, even when playing on the gamepad. If you paid a transfer fee per game then you could use them with Off-TV Play and control the games on the gamepad. Effectively, you were paying twice for the game you already owned.

Having the ability to play VC games on the gamepad should have been a given through a free update, no question about it.

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Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.