10 Features & Video Games That Could Have Saved The Wii U

6. Bundled In A Wii Remote Or Sold Additional Gamepads


During the lifespan of the Wii U, Nintendo Wii Remote Plus(es) retailed for £39.99. Nunchuks, thrown into Wii U branded packaging, retained their price of £14.99 a pop.

Bear in mind that these are products that are now coming into their twelfth year of existence. (Eight if you're talking specifically about the Wii Remote Plus.) This is a ludicrous pricing strategy from Nintendo as games released as early as Nintendoland in the consoles lifecycle had games that needed a Wii Remote and nunchuk! (That's 2012, at launch.)

Intrepid patent hunters and other curious online technophiles also discovered that the Wii U system could recognize the use of a second gamepad. But instead of taking advantage of this with independent map screens or the chance to play local multiplayer using the TV as a sports highlights reel, Nintendo stuck rigidly to the policy of one system, one gamepad.

Everyone else had to fight over who got the Pro controller and who'd be stuck with the Wii Remotes.

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Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.