10 Female Video Game Characters You Totally Fell In Love With

2. Sam (Gone Home)

Based off its nature as an 'interactive narrative experience' the debate can rage on about just how much of a 'game' Gone Home is, the fact is that if you've played it through to completion it's impossible not to be hanging on every word left behind by your character's sister, Sam. To also describe why Gone Home is on this list requires spoilers, so you've been warned. The core story beat is that you - as returning gap-year student Kaitlin Greenbriar - arrive back at your new family home, only to discover a note from your sister on the front door and the house itself completely abandoned. What follows is a masterclass in tension building, as the scares are drip-fed to you in a manner that perfectly intertwines with a selection of audio diaries you'll hear when you find remnants of what Sam has left behind. The part where the game turns into something special, is when Sam details her experiences with schoolfriend Lonny, and you hear about how she plays with the idea of becoming romantically involved with her. The biggest twist of the whole game is that in the end there was never anything to worry about in terms of monsters or demons in the first place. Come that final audio diary describing how both her and Lonny have ran away together, you'll either be extremely happy or so convinced of her existence you'll wish you could run after them yourself.
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