10 Ferocious Video Game Storms You Won't Survive

3. The Storm - Life Is Strange

Just Cause Lightning Screenshot

Time travel and precognition must be such a burden. Imagine being haunted with the foresight to see what's coming, but not being able to do anything about it.

That's what happens to Max, our protagonist, as she has a premonition right off the bat in 2015's critically acclaimed Life is Strange. Sensing the impending doom about to hit her hometown of Arcadia Bay, Max does everything in her power to warn those of its coming.

Luckily for Max, she does literally have the power to do so, in the form of time travel. However, every action she changes seems to have some other knock on effect, with good intentions changing timelines to make something equally or much worse take its place.

The real caveat though? It's Max's use of butterfly effect-style meddlings that causes the storm in the first place. By changing something predetermined to happen, Max has brought the storm into existence.

It leaves you with a difficult choice to make: do you save the one and doom the many, or sacrifice one so close to you and save the town?

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Just Cause 4
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.