10 Final Bosses That Made You Give Up Entirely
9. God Rugal - Capcom VS SNK 2

If certain conditions are met while playing Capcom VS SNK 2's campaign mode, a secret final boss will be unlocked called God Rugal.
Despite the fact three fighters can be selected to face him, this overpowered foe is not to be trifled with, since he can defeat his rival with two regular hits. Although regular Rugal needs a moment to charge up his strongest attacks, this incarnation doesn't, allowing him to wipe the floor against anyone in seconds.
He has triple the health of any other combatant, so the most powerful combos and super-attacks will barely make a dent in his health bar. Several of his moves are unblockable, including the infamous Raging Demon, which is nearly impossible to survive.
Worst of all, Rugal only has one or two frames of recovery while attacking, giving his opponents the tiniest window of opportunity to retaliate. However, this barely matters because the devilish bastard can interrupt any move by teleporting away or executing his own lethal Special.
It may be 3-against-1, but challenging God Rugal feels like going up against an entire army, due to the his broken tactics.