10 Final Fantasy VII Moments We Can't Wait To See In The Remake
5. The Midgar Zolom

For anyone who didn't play the game, the Midgar Zolom looks like nothing more than an overgrown, surly serpent whose upset that you entered its swamp. However, by the time Cloud and co. face him he's actually pretty difficult to defeat. In fact, during the numerous times I've ran through the game I've only been able to beat it once without using a Chocobo to outrun it.
Compared to other mini bosses in the game, the Midgar Zolom wasn't that visually impressive but seeing the image of one that had been skewered with a spike by Sephiroth was pretty crazy, especially since it was straight after struggling to beat it myself.
It would be fantastic if they paid homage to Sephiroth killing it by finding a way for our characters to impale him with a spike too. Not only would it be visually impressive, as the thing is significantly larger than Cloud and the rest of the group, it would help vary the battle sequences and show players a different way of taking out an enemy other than hacking, slashing and using magic.