10 Final Fantasy VII Moments We Can't Wait To See In The Remake

4. The Weapons

Final Fantasy VII Mototbike Chase
Square Enix

I'll be the first to admit that when I first took on a Weapon, I had absolutely no idea what I was coming up against. I thought I could take it down easily like I did with every other boss, but I was so, so wrong. Although they're pretty difficult to beat, that's what made the Ruby, Emerald and Ultimate Weapon so awesome.

We already know what it's like to see the Ultimate Weapon flying around the sky as we do battle with it in the Highwind and how frightening it is to be chased across the ocean by the Emerald Weapon, so imagine how good it will look with 20 years of enhanced graphics behind it.

However, let's remember that the Weapons are absolutely giant compared to everything else in the game and that can sometimes pose a problem in terms of scale. Square should look at the battle between Cronos and Kratos in God of War as a way of successfully showcasing the size difference between the two. Having Cloud and the rest of the gang jump around a Weapon's body while trying to take it out would be a great way of showing the new combat style they've been talking about introducing.


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.