10 Flagging Video Game Franchise That Need To Change NOW

8. Banjo-Kazooie

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006

While the idea of another Kazooie game is currently dead in the water, this seems like a complete missed opportunity. Sure, we don't need any more reboot of old series, especially when there's such ample potential in so many new IPs we've seen developing in recent years.

Maybe it'd be easier to write the Banjo series off altogether, but in truth given the amount of promise it still holds, it seems insane to not make one final game as a last hurrah to the franchise, if for no other reason.

Because if you take the wit and liveliness and that we all loved the series for, and then added in the bouncy and addictive controls of a game like Mario Odyssey, there'd be a natural winner on our hands. Add in a few extra mechanics revolving around our favourite bear and bird duo, and you'd have a platformer people would genuinely want to see - instead of Nuts and Bolts, which seemed to experiment too far in a totally different direction.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.