10 Flagging Video Game Franchise That Need To Change NOW

6. Bubsy

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006

So this one is a bit of a wild card, but by god if this little bobcat doesn't deserve better.

Long has the poor critter been the subject of poorly created games, and a fairly bland persona that screams of the backwards baseball cap "cool" mascots that we were rife with not so long ago. He's Poochie the Dog from the Simpsons, basically, only significantly less ironic.

But the release of the newest Bubsy game - Bubsy: Paws on Fire! - managed something no other game before had really managed... it was an okay game.

With this spark of hope in our hearts, it's worth discussing the one thing Bubsy could do to be more interesting; go rogue.

By which we mean; goth Bubsy. Well, maybe not fully goth, but certainly having Bubsy make some meta fourth-wall breaking jokes about his current gaming career would pay well into the series, as well as justify him maybe being more than a little bitter.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.