10 Flagging Video Game Franchise That Need To Change NOW

4. Fallout

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006

Given Fallout is such a beloved franchise, it's telling how fundamentally flawed Fallout 76 was that it caused many players who love the series to take a step back in concern.

Worse than the insane amount of bugs and problems was the fact that, be it because of time limits or not, there was the very strong vibe that Bethesda simply hadn't cared about the players very much when it came to the game.

This was felt outside of the game itself, too, because when people who had bought the expensive £176.99 edition of the game received their physical extras, the promised canvas Vault-tec bag was replaced with a cheap nylon one, as almost a physical sign of the corners cut in all aspects of game creation.

As such, the way to fix this is a slightly weird one, as more than any one specific fix, Bethesda needs to prove that it still puts the same thought and care into the series that Fallout: New Vegas clearly showed.


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