10 Flagging Video Game Franchise That Need To Change NOW

3. Dead Space

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006

Dead Space was a series that, in the end, struggled to know what it really was. Was it a lot of fun to run in fear from alien monsters while trying to keep enough ammo for enemies you actually needed to kill? Yes. Was it fun when it was made easier to kill enemies and more like an action shooter than a horror game? Well, still yes.

But Dead Space seemed to stagnate because it wasn't sure which it wanted to bring you more, and increasingly throughout the course of the third game, was made less and less like the horror that many have responded positively towards when the first game was initially released.

However, this raises the possibility for a genius return: have the protagonist be a super-capable space soldier... who slowly deteriorates across the course of the game, due to a parasite or a ghost or just being a stressed man chased by an entire Little Shop of Horrors.

Slowly losing your ability to combat your enemies would not only be scary as hell for the player, but it would solidly let them know in their minds that the series had firmly fixated on making you pee your pants, instead of hedging its bets.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.