10 Flagging Video Game Franchise That Need To Change NOW

2. WWE

Sonic The Hedgehog 2006
2K Games

Now that the most recent WWE game's hilarious flailing glitches are scarred into our heads like we're all communally Harry Potter, it's time to talk about how the franchise could redeem itself.

As it's the clearest issue, you might think that the only thing that needs be done is correct the game's code enough that people don't fall through the ring like they're having an existential crisis every other round. And, to be fair, you'd be right.

But why stop there? Unlike every other sport, wrestling has never solely remained in the world of realism, so in retrospect it's really strange the games have revolved solely around it. Why not have Mr.Socko appear as a legitimate threat? Why not have the Undertaker summon down lightning into the ring?

Why not use the video game realm to render every insane event the WWE has pulled off in their time as legit? Sure, keep a realistic mode or match type so people can play the same if they want to,


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