10 Forgotten 90s Gaming Classics We Want To See Rebooted

7. Dino Crisis (1999)

There are not many things that the entire population of the world would agree on but we think we have found one; dinosaurs are frickin' cool. Ever since Spielberg resurrected our prehistoric ancestors in Jurassic Park, the popularity of these magnificent beasts has remained as high as ever, as evidenced by the fact they're currently working on a fourth movie. Capcom recognised this, and decided to use their Resident Evil template to craft a different kind of survival horror; one in which you're running away from lightning-fast raptors and monstrous T-Rex's. That sounds a hell of a lot scarier than a few shuffling zombies doesn't it? And yet, as popular as dinosaurs are, Dino Crisis never really took off as a franchise, perhaps due to Capcom's understandable investment in Resident Evil. A reboot would be a great move for Capcom, as Resident Evil appears to have lost a lot of its appeal after the disastrous RE6 and next-gen could provide some truly awe inspiring set pieces. With the likes of Uncharted and the latest Tomb Raider reboot showing what the current gen is capable of, it is a truly mouthwatering prospect when you think about what the Xbox One and PS4 could do with this most formidable of foes.
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An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow