10 Forgotten 90s Gaming Classics We Want To See Rebooted

5. Comix Zone (1995)

This may be a little more obscure to the more casual gamers out there, but anyone who played this gem of a game from Sega will remember how unique and enjoyable it remains to this day. In perhaps one of the first examples of a video game toying with the fourth wall, Comix Zone cast you in the role of Sketch Turner: a struggling comic book artist who gets sucked into his own comic book and must fight his way out. It was a truly wonderful spin on the popular side scrolling beat'em up genre, as Sketch literally rips through the panels of his comic, talks in comic book style speech bubbles and leaves a satisfying THWACK! displayed across the screen anytime he doles out punishment to his own creations. A next-gen version would obviously feature beautifully crisp animations but, with the popularity of comic books much higher than they were in the 90's, it could also feature a number of references to well known comic books. Providing the rights were available, it could have the potential to play as a comic book version of Kingdom Hearts; just imagine fighting through the pages of Watchmen or V For Vendetta and having the chance to influence some of your favourite stories. Sounds like a comic book fan's dream.
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An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow