10 Forgotten 90s Gaming Classics We Want To See Rebooted

4. Syphon Filter (1999)

You may have expected Metal Gear Solid here, but seeing as they are still releasing sequels to the seminal stealth'em up that would be a bit of a cheat. Instead we have chosen to go with MGS's younger, uglier brother€“- Syphon Filter found itself being compared to MGS quite frequently, most likely due to the relatively short timespan between the release of both games. It is a slightly unfair comparison and perhaps Splinter Cell would be more apt, but a Syphon Filter reboot would be much more than an inferior Splinter Cell copy. Firstly, the original has a much greater emphasis on action than the aforementioned games and secondly, it contains one of the greatest weapons in any game, in the form of the taser. This weapon gave you the opportunity to fire a seemingly mile long cable which, when attached to an enemy, would electrify them to the point of combustion (if you held the button long enough). As previously mentioned, Syphon Filter was quite an ugly game, even when it was released; but the gameplay more than made up for that and a next gen reboot could provide a genuinely different action game. Gabe Logan's arsenal of gadgets could be vastly improved, the gameplay could be adapted to suit a number of different playing styles and it could even introduce a hand to hand combat system, giving the player plenty of reasons to return. Also, next generation spontaneous combustion would look undeniably pretty.
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An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow