10 Forgotten 90s Gaming Classics We Want To See Rebooted

3. Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines (1998)

Commandos was an immensely enjoyable strategy game that placed you in the shoes of an army commander in control of a number of different soldiers, each with their own unique set of abilities. It was a very difficult game which required the player to really think about each move, or risk losing vital members of their squad, leading to an almost impossible task as the level progressed. We see the reboot playing as an army style version of X-Com: Enemy Unknown, except the setting would obviously be switched to WW2. By keeping various elements of that game, such as training and research, Commandos would give the player a sense of real achievement in masterminding any number of victories based on real life battles. A destruction engine could also be implemented, forcing the player to rethink their strategy as the map around them evolves with each attack. It has been a while since World War 2 has been used in a game, due to the huge success of COD4 and its sequels, and a Commandos reboot could usher in a new age of an incredibly popular genre with the strategical twist giving it a breath of fresh air.
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An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow