10 Forgotten Playstation Classics That Would Sell Millions

5. Dino Crisis

Dino Crisis - AKA Resident Evil with Dinosaurs - is a game series that somehow never made it to lofty heights. Created by Capcom and legendary game director Shinji Mikami (best known for creating Resi and the upcoming title The Evil Within), Dino Crisis used the same engine as Resi but swapped out the shambling undead for angry lizards of various sizes who loved to eat your head. An instant classic - it plays like Resi and has dinosaurs, what's not to love? - Dino Crisis pits the main character in the middle of a battle against time traveling dinosaurs (scientific accident, naturally) and as ludicrous as it sounds, the premise simply worked. The main character, Regina, also had to deal with a severe problem in the form of injuries; if left untreated, dinosaurs could track and find you, leading to a gruesome death. The sequel, Dino Crisis 2, continued the same formula established by its predecessor but with a more arcadey feel. Unfortunately the developers then went crazy several years later and made Dino Crisis 3 in space, which just ramped it up from slightly daft to utterly ridiculous. Mixed reviews and not many sales saw the franchise disappear entirely and it hasn't been seen since. It's a shame really, because we all love a dinosaur or two. As can be seen by the excitement surrounding the return of Jurassic Park, reliving Dino Crisis certainly wouldn't be a bad decision for any gaming developer. With new technology comes the ability to make awesome dinosaurs and if a developer can channel the spirit of the originals, a new crisis with dinosaurs certainly wouldn't go amiss.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.