10 Friendly Video Games With One TERRIFYING Area

4. Big Boo's Haunt (Super Mario 64)

Uncharted Descendants

Nintendo, you have a lot to answer for. 

If you were to ask a forum of gamers what the most non-threatening gaming franchise of all time is, plenty of people would bring up the beloved Italian plumber, Mario. 

The Super Mario franchise has long been the poster child for family-friendly video game entertainment. Still, it's his arguably most beloved title (Super Mario 64) that said enough is enough, let's frighten these kids. 

Big Boo's Haunt is a location you can reach via a somewhat hidden entrance in the castle courtyard. When you arrive, you'll find a dilapidated mansion owned by the titular ghost. It looks creepy, has some unsettling sound design/music, and is home to some surprisingly effective scares. 

The biggest example of this is the damn piano room, a legendary display of sudden horror in a kid's game. In this room, you enter and find a lone piano, but upon getting close to it, it jumps up, rears its teeth, and chomps after you. 

It's hard to imagine how many kids refused to play the piano after this. 

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!