10 From Software Bosses EVERYONE Hated Fighting

8. Sister Friede and Father Ariandel - Dark Souls 3

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Guardian Ape

If you've played a Soulsborne game before you're well aware of FromSoft's tendency to hit players with a secret second phase after you've whittled down the boss's HP to zero. And there's only one thing worse than a hidden second phase to a boss fight, and that's a hidden third phase.

Enter Sister Friede and her magic scythe, which she strikes hard and fast with. And if you're doing well against her, she likes to turn invisible. Great.

If you manage to avoid being launched in the air by Friede's scythe and take down her first health bar, you won't have much time to breathe a sigh of relief before Father Ariandel joins the fray and resurrects her.

The second phase introduces this big flaming daddy, who loves to barge around the arena with a giant pot of lava, whilst you're still trying to avoid the invisible sister and her rapid attacks.

Once you think it's all over and you've managed to beat one of the hardest tag team fights in the Soulsborne series, Sister Friede resurrects. This time she's got two scythes (because apparently one isn't enough), and the powers of her and Araindel combined. Just in case you thought she wasn't difficult enough already.

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All around pop-culture nerd who will not rest until everyone agrees that Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the greatest TV show ever made.