10 From Software Bosses EVERYONE Hated Fighting

6. Rom, The Vacuous Spider - Bloodborne

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Guardian Ape

If you have any form of arachnophobia, then the first time you read the message "The Byrgenwerth spider hides all manner of rituals" you probably shut your console down and said "Not today Satan."

If you did manage to put on a brave face and reach Byrgenwerth University, then you might find Rom not as bad as you anticipated. She's just sitting there minding her own business, meaning you can go right up to her and have a good inspection, if you're into that sort of thing. She's more giant woodlouse than spider, which is still pretty creepy but not terrifying.

That is until you make the first attack, and a legion of actual spiders drop out of the sky. Many controllers were dropped, smashed, or placed into a box and buried deep underground at this point. Having to balance fighting Rom with her devastating spells whilst dodging the eight-legged freaks who dive bomb you is a tough fight that is made more difficult by the fear it instills in you.

Bloodborne's approach to combat and enemies perfectly encapsulates Lovecraft's concept of fear of the unknown, but even a hundred spiders dropping out of the sky is a bit too rich for my old blood.

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All around pop-culture nerd who will not rest until everyone agrees that Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the greatest TV show ever made.