10 From Software Bosses EVERYONE Hated Fighting

4. Headless Ape and Brown Ape - Sekiro

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Guardian Ape

This spot could have easily been used for the first Guardian Ape fight, which took the secret second phase to a whole new level. However, it's the second time you encounter this headless monstrosity that instills more hatred than the first.

After having to fight the beast once (well, twice) already, encountering him again inside a much smaller arena was already bad enough. This time he starts at the harder second phase, utilising his terror-inducing scream attack and long-reaching sword swipes that are harder to avoid in such an enclosed space.

At least this time the boss bar isn't lying to you when it comes to the amount of deathblows it'll take to kill him, but that doesn't mean it isn't hiding something even meaner.

Once you've dealt the first deathblow to the decapitated primate, he'll retreat and enter his scream animation. Except this time he's not inducing terror; he's calling for help.

That's exactly when a slightly weaker, but still extremely aggressive second ape jumps into the pit to lend a hand. This one might have his head still attached, but that won't stop him from pummeling you into the ground just when you thought you had an opening to attack the other one.

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All around pop-culture nerd who will not rest until everyone agrees that Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the greatest TV show ever made.