10 Future Telltale Games Series We'd Love To See

1. Van Helsing

telltale games star wars

Everyone loves classic movie monsters; Dracula, Frankenstein, Werewolves, they're all awesome. So why not make a game which has them all?

A Van Helsing Telltale series could spawn a gloriously gothic take on the iconic monster hunter, featuring creepy castles, ghouls galore and trench coats for days. Each episode could see you assigned to take out a famous monster in a different location, and the episodes leading up to the climax could require you to gather the correct information, equipment and allies in order to vanquish the best that terrorises the townsfolk.

Horror and action elements could be implicated through jump scares and quicktime events, and memorable and sinister characters you encounter along the way could mean the difference between a straight forward and slightly scenic adventure. Puzzle solving could again become a gameplay mechanic making accessing the lairs of these creatures all the more difficult - after all, we can't make it too easy.

I'd also like to see more of the biblical conspiracy stuff from the 2004 movie. The Vatican's secret basement of monster bashing was a great idea and something that could act as a hub for the game, where Van Helsing can view equipment and collectible that you find throughout the series.


Those are my picks for the Telltale games of the future. Have any you'd like to add? Leave your comments and suggestions in the comments below!


Professional greebo. Duck lover. Gin.