10 Future Telltale Games Series We'd Love To See

8. Terminator

telltale games star wars

Terminator: Genisys is best forgotten, as if we're taking a point in the Terminator canon and jumping off into a new adventure, Salvation's distanced approach is far more preferable.

Our lead character could be a resistance fighter, serving under John Connor in the fight against Skynet. I imagine a real cowardly protagonist would be a good starting point, struggling to deal with the reality of war and watching those around him get vaporised by mindless mechanical death-bots. Dialogue and choices could determine how your character acts in the face of battle and impact how other resistance fighters view and comment on your decisions.

I'd like to see a well balanced blend of both imaginings on post Judgment Day America with plenty of the futuristic neon colours from the original Terminator, as well as the more Fallout-esque wasteland aesthetic we were introduced to in Salvation.

Of course, the machines would be without their Austrian bodybuilder disguises for the most part, although a slow moving gameplay section through a room of sleeping Schwarzenegger's would be more than enough to make your palms sweat.


Professional greebo. Duck lover. Gin.