10 GameCube Games We Need To See On Nintendo Switch

3. TimeSplitters: Future Perfect

nintendo switch wind waker
Free Radical

Shooting games on the Switch are few and far between, and while there are some good ones - the Doom games most notably - the offerings we have so far are mostly grim and grizzly.

No Switch shooter - indeed few shooters at large - can top the high octane fun of TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, one of the GameCube’s finest third party games.

The series’ MO is, unsurprisingly, time travel. The franchise has offered levels on remote medieval castles, Neo Toyko, ‘70s nightclubs, and barren alien worlds. TimeSplitters 2 took the series to a new level, but Future Perfect polished it beautifully. Moreso than 2, this is a streamlined adventure with a wild narrative.

Your heroic avatar whips through time, exploring haunted houses and overrun extraterrestrial worlds. The weapons are ingeniously crafted, and the bosses are the beautiful work of fevered imaginations (The Deerhaunter is unforgettable).

Once the campaign’s done, there are myriad challenges and ‘bot battles, and the multiplayer is frantic and joyful. Get this one online and you’ll party like it’s 2005 all over again.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)