10 Gameplay Tweaks That Seriously Improve Video Games

6. Turn On Auto-Aim - Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

uncharted 4
Sony Interactive Entertainment

As high quality as the Uncharted series is, it does also present something of a paradox. Largely because of its quality, there's a lot you miss out on because you're so focused on what you're actually doing. You can't fully appreciate the spectacle of it all when you're trying to not die.

On the other hand, if you're at all distracted by that spectacle, then your gameplay suffers. All those cool, dynamic things you can do in combat - running and gunning, close quarters combat, swinging from a rope while shooting then jumping off to deliver a knockout punch to a guy below you - require focus and precision.

That's why Uncharted's auto-aim feature is so perfect. Essentially it makes the targeting reticle lock on to enemies, meaning you don't have to pay so much attention to aiming. You can pull all those spectacular stunts and really enjoy the show now that you can focus more on the environment and enemy placement.

It basically turns combat into a puzzle, where the solution is making the most badass gameplay sequence you can.

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Uncharted 4
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At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.