10 Games That Punish You For Ignoring The Story

8. The Coward Ending - The Stanley Parable

furi the song
Galactic Cafe

The gameplay of the Stanley Parable mostly consists of defying the narration of the game's storyteller.

And yet, if you decide to ignore the story completely, the game has a special kind of punishment for you—the Coward Ending.

The Coward Ending triggers when the player decides to defy the Narrator's story right off the bat and refuse to step out of Stanley's office, therefore never setting off the rest of the game.

Choosing to ignore the story like this results in a long, demeaning monologue from the Narrator, who will call Stanley a coward and say you're so afraid of taking the first step, you'd rather rot in the four walls of Stanley's tiny office.

Although you can bring out the Narrator's sassy side throughout multiple sections of the game, he only ever decides to mercilessly roast you in the Coward ending.

It's as though the developers hate the idea of you missing out on all the banter they've written so much, they decide to be extra mean to you for ignoring it.

By throwing even more witty banter your way. Because at the end of the day, banter is the Stanley's Parable in a nutshell.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.