10 Games That Punish You For Ignoring The Story

7. The Song Ending - Furi

furi the song
The Game Bakers

Furi is a bullet hell game from 2016 where you play as a mysterious stranger trying to escape your very own, custom-built prison by kicking the butts of ten powerful jailers.

Well, at least in theory. In practice, you usually end up on the butt kicking side.

Because the fight ahead is so tough, you might feel like taking a break from progressing the story and staying still for a moment, just reminiscing about the times when virtual characters bombarding you with flashy orbs didn't cause you to throw controllers in uncontainable rage.

This, however, can come with some nasty consequences in the form of a deleted save file.

By taking a break and standing idly during the section with the Song, you can unlock a special secret ending, where you give up your fight for freedom.

It sounds pretty neat until you realize that the ending deletes your save file and all the hard work you put into defeating the first batch of bosses has gone to waste.

Either you progress through the story or you don't. At all. That's your choice here.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.