10 Games That Punish You For Ignoring The Story

6. Emma Dies - The Quarry

furi the song
2K Games

The Quarry, like most other Supermassive titles, allows you to make up for failures and poorly made choices.

Most failed attempts can be corrected if you do the rest of the sequence correctly, but this said, the developers seem to have an issue with those whose mistake is ignoring the clear signs in the story.

One of the main characters, Emma, can be instantly killed by a werewolf with no way of preventing it once you make the wrong choice.

When Emma's exploring the cabin on the island, the game makes it clear that she's being stalked by a werewolf. When the creature makes a loud, thumping noise landing on the roof, you get the choice to check the sound.

The only reason why you would pick that option is either because you completely ignored what was going on before or you were curious enough to ignore it to see how great the price of your decision is.

Well, it is indeed quite great, as Emma is instantly killed thanks to your decision, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Considering "don't check scary" noises is Horror 101, you can't really stay mad at the game for punishing you like this.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.