10 Games That Punish You For Ignoring The Story

5. Behind On Quest - The Sims Medieval

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The Sims Medieval is a Dark Ages spin-off of the Sims in which you play as questing heroes working together to build the best kingdom ever.

Or not. You can also ignore the quests completely, however, this comes with some heavy consequences later down the road.

The main gameplay of the Sims Medieval consists of completing special quests that reward your hero Sims and their kingdom with special benefits.

There technically isn't a time limit on when you're supposed to fulfill your individual objectives, so you might feel tempted to forget about them and have some classic Sims fun. This said, after a while you'll discover the game won't let you muck around forever.

After a while, you will receive a debuff for falling behind on your mission, which decreases the progress on the quality of your success. The debuff gets only stronger the more you wait, and if you think you can get it back by completing objectives again, you'll find out the debuff can take enough progress from slackers to make its effects irreversible.

Low success quality means worse prizes, so if you don't want to build a failed kingdom, you best stop slacking and start paying attention to the story.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.