10 Games That Punish You For Ignoring The Story

4. Killing The Little Sisters - BioShock

furi the song
2K Games

BioShock has only two endings. One where you grow old and die happily, surrounded by your loved ones, and another where you go mad and start a nuclear war.

Now, if the second outcome doesn't sound like the plan for you, then avoiding it is actually pretty simple—you just have to not ignore the obvious hints in the story.

The game's ending is dependent on whether or not you choose to harvest or spare the Little Sisters you come across in the story. Harvesting (aka killing) them grants you more power, but the game also makes it pretty clear that doing so will come with some negative consequences later down the line.

If you ignore these story clues in favor of unlimited power, then in the finale your preference of gameplay over story will punish with an ending where your character becomes so drunk on his sapped power that he loses his mind, traps himself in Rapture, and then randomly attacks a warhead-carrying submarine, triggering the start of a nuclear war.

Well, maybe next time, instead of looking at your stats, you should listen to the obvious warnings instead?

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.