10 Games That You'll Be Playing Long After Rezzed

3. Aliens: Colonial Marines (Gearbox Software)

Aliens: Colonial Marines Already one of the hotly anticipated games for 2013, Aliens: Colonial Marines' competitive multiplayer mode allows players to choose to fight as either human or alien €“ and at Rezzed, they were presenting it with a twist. On one side of a wall in the over-18s area, attendees queued up to take their turn to play as the humans; on the other side, the SEGA team were ensconced at a row of monitors, ready to play as the aliens. My turn came on the Saturday afternoon, after the SEGA guys had had a day and a half to hone their skills, and it made for a super fast, super brutal and super fun deathmatch battle, with the game's intense soundtrack and superb graphics fostering a terrifying environment wherein any shadow could be hiding a xenomorph just waiting to leap out and tear your face off. It's going to be a long wait until the game's finally released and it remains to be seen what the campaign will entail, but if they can carry the multiplayer atmosphere through to the main game then it's one that you should be starting to get very excited about. Aliens: Colonial Marines is scheduled for release on Windows, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U in February 2013.

I'm a completist. I love platformers, indie games, bad horror movies and Joss Whedon. You can find me over on Twitter at @ejosully, where I talk about largely unrelated things.