10 Games You Played Because You Owned The Wrong System

3. Crash Team Racing

Crash Team Racing

The Game You Wanted: Mario Kart 64

Nintendo's N64 follow-up to the Mario Kart series converted the racer to 3D and provided one of the greatest party games on a system known for them. The Game You Played €“ Crash Team Racing Naughty Dog€™s... let€™s call it a 'flattering homage' to Mario Kart that took the Crash Bandicoot crew and sent them off to the races on the Playstation. Was It A Worthy Substitute? Honestly, it might be even better. Let€™s get it out of the way: Crash Team Racing is a shameless knock off of the Mario Kart series. It also lacks the presence of the Mario cast and those little touches that Nintendo is infamous for implementing in their games. But... but, CTR was one incredibly well made game. It featured more in-depth mechanics, smoother controls and arguably better graphics than its Nintendo rival and the depth of CTR's various gameplay modes still hasn't been topped by Mario Kart to this day.


An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.