10 Games You're Embarrassed To Admit You Play

6. Call of Duty

Call of DutyWhat People Will Say: You're an idiot who is contributing to the industry's creative stagnation. Alright, this one might not be embarrassing at all for casual gamers who feverishly play the Call of Duty games for hours a week and religiously climb their way up to Prestige 10, but to players who enjoy an eclectic selection of games, you will get it in the ear from your similarly-minded friends, believe me. I'm one of the suckers who buys the CoD games year in and year out despite frequently criticising their lack of originality, and as a result my friends often tell me that I'm just contributing to the problem - that players need to vote with their feet and stop buying them. Thing is, I'm a "hardcore" gamer if we go by the typical explanation, yet I still enjoy playing the odd bit of gaming junk food, and Call of Duty totally satisfies that desire. It might not be an intelligent, immersive or particularly artistic experience, but it provides the visceral thrill that I'm after, and that's what matters. I tend not to bring it up during a conversation about the latest indie games on PSN and XBLA, though.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.